Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Trinity of Unity MetaTeleclass September 24th

Trinity of Unity 2 Hour Telecall
5pm - 7pm pst

Trinity of Unity is a two hour telecall that is the forerunner of the curriculum 2010. In these times, we have neanderthal minds whether we like it or not. We need to comprehend in ways that our social and biological imprinting does not allow for. Several people do these calls many times knowing that it takes more than one call to take in the new imprints of unity mentally, emotionally, and biologically. It is hard to realize the extraordianary life that comes with restoring unity in our systems. Do you still think that your inability to cope with a changing world has to do with anything other than you ability to comprehend? You are not stupid. You are just aligned with a reality that has gone out of existence and not yet aligned with the new mind of a reality coming into place.

To register, call 1-614-940-1667 or email metapointsreality@yahoo.com.

I want you to know the thrill it is to be present to the shifts in people's lives doing this work. I have waited on these times for a long time.

Many blessings,

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