Metapoints are points of connection where everything is equal to everything else. Equivocal. This is the basisof unity. We are neither more nor less than anything else. That point of equivocation is a metapoint.
Sometimes we have an experience that is not familiar..somehow greater than we hold ourselves to be. This is a metapoint… a merge point of unity where you experience an equality to something that occurs as greater yet somehow familiar.

This state of equivocation…this metapoint…is experienced in greater and greater states of wholeness. Wholeness is when you can experience yourself as the ‘great living All’ in-unity-with experiencing yourself as the one who has trouble losing weight, the one who balances the checkbook, as well as the one who has nine to five job.
I used to have a perpetual dream of being a small boyish woman who lived on the Isle of Crete. Bob-cut black hair, I was dressed in a thong and a bleached by the sun wrapped skirt similar to what you see in pictures of Egyptians with a medium cloth band around my almost imperceptible breasts. Squatting on my knees bending into the stream to scrub my family’s clothes, I left my body and appeared in a coliseum where I was an athlete who jumped the bulls. In the same moment of time, I was aware of myself scrubbing the clothes by the banks of the stream and running for the rump of the bull, jumping, pressing my small hands against the bull’s buttock to gain leverage as I plummeted into air, flipped over the bull’s horns, rolled back under the bull as I hit the ground and jumped up, hands high in the air signaling my astounding physical prowess and dexterity.
Sometimes we speak of being out under the night sky, feeling the vastness of the universe and being part of it. This is a metastate, a metapoint of equality, of unity, of oneness where nothing is more or less than anything else. What you are experiencing is expanded and vast, highly evolved, and astounding and in that metastate you experience yourself differently than you do at other times but the experience should not nullify the other aspects of your existence. Some experiences are pleasant, some unpleasant, but not ‘more’ or ‘less’. Simply different.
Sometimes we call these feelings aspects of ourselves as if they are each separate. We spend our lifetimes trying to be one and not the other, yet what if that was all wrong. It is you know. We are designed to be whole…that means being ‘it all’, whatever our form of ‘it all’ is. One of the fundamental aspects of a human being is we were designed to experience. Doesn’t it seem strange to try to only experience some things when your existence is based on experiencing many things…at once? Some things are experienced as magnificent and others are experienced as hard, yet when you have a sense of being all of it, a multi-dimensional self, with multi-faceted experiences, you are never lost from the unity-base, the equivocalness you come from. This is part of what we focus on in the work of METApoints.
At least to date, I am an overweight woman yet my experience of myself is not limited to being overweight. I include it in the metastate of existence that I am. I also experience myself as a guardian of human beings, elemental worlds, and greater realms of awareness. One is not less or more than another. Both are mine to experience and more than that allow myself to be present to each of them in such a way what there is to do and be becomes evident. This is the foundation of what we speak of as ‘awareness’.
The experience of separation is embedded in more or less, better or worse, right or wrong, etc. This is an encoded that has been corrupting the basis innate power and majesty of the human system for a long time.
Imagine our planet and its ecosystem, the moon, and the sun, and the space in between being encoded with trying to decide what was more important than the other. This encoding would destroy the miraculous system of creation they are… just as this state of separation is destroying the human species. With our thought forms fixed, our perception programmed by the world around us , looping through paying attention to the more or better, lesser or greater, or right or wrong, we lose our connection to what we are designed to do and be.
This is the mess human beings are in. We are encoded through adaptation and conditioning into a perception that is dominated by the feeling of being less or more, right or wrong, greater or smaller. Think of it. We are scared to think we are great and we are terrified we are less. We fear being wrong and don’t know what to do with being right. We want to be great but seem dominated by feeling small.
This is the system we were born into and it gives ABSOLUTELY NO ACCESS to who we truly are. The work of METApoints breaks the encoding giving room for the innate system you are miraculously designed to be to emerge. This is the true nature of awakening…to no longer be adapted or conditioned by what is not the true nature of who we are as a human and a being… to be present to who we are as the metapoint of ourselves as both a human and a being, a limited-in-time life and a vast consciousness, both more and less, great and small, right and wrong.
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