Friday, May 14, 2010

What if? Take One!

May 14, 2010

Being in union or one with the Universe is an entirely different modality than trying to pluck relationship, money, career, etc out of the air. Being in union or one with the Universe is the juice of life. We not only discover who we are and what we came for, we discover we carry skills and capabilities that restore order in chaos, peace in war, joy in sorrow. Not only do we experience being in union or one with all Creation, we discover the miracle of being a human being. We discover we are designed as an essential and unique aspect of Creation and that creation is always expressing through us.

Can we in these days open up into the awareness that we are unlimited potential? Is the fear we carry, the fear we feel, coming from knowing that our untapped potential has been suppressed after eons and eons of suppression? Will our belief that we are fundamentally flawed shatter when we realize what lays within us is peace, not peace instead of war, but the peace of an inherent beingness. Is it too unfathomable for us to remember that we as human beings are designed to cascade through time and space connected to life and to experience our “own being” that “lives and breathes” and recognizes “its” unity with the Great Living All? We are designed to construct our lives, our circumstances, through systems of thought and experience that connect us to life and have us exist as whole.

Is it humanity that has lost its way because we sinned or has humanity been captured in a manufactured realm that carries no ability to give us life, no ability for us to love or be loved, and no ability for us to experience the juice of fulfillment in our everyday living?

Would it be too radical that we are not flawed, our existing reality is? Would it be too radical to consider that our inherent design adapted to survive yet that adaptation is not the true source of our survival? Haven’t you read that we as human beings have adapted to what the ancient sages have called maya or illusion?

What do we call reality? What if we could get access to what is real? Is it possible that human beings have fallen victim to thinking here is real?

Have we noticed that we persist in seeking love, seeking joy, and seeking fulfillment and that achieving that seems extremely hard to do in our present world, our present reality?

In discovering the nature of unity and that we were always designed to be “unity”, the maya of this reality we were innocently born into can be pierced. We can reawaken what is inherent within us, extraordinary systems of unity.

We have been existing in separation from what we are inherently designed to be. Our inherent design is unity. Our inherent design draws information and experience from a oneness with all life.

During these times and in the futures coming, our inherent design is on the rise. We can see it in the breakdown of our physical vitality. We can feel it in our fragile emotions. We are being more and more aware of the increase in mental dysfunction. Our systems cannot operate out of sync with what is real. They are rebelling. The fear, anxiety, mental confusion and lethargy, and our physical fatigue are our systems breaking down. We are being stopped in our tracks. All there is now is to hear, think, and feel what is really real.

Is there an alternative? The more we use the modalities that teach us we are flawed and that we turned against that which loves us, a mighty far away deity, the deeper our hopelessness. The more we embrace technologies that tell us that we are the way we are because of what happened to us in the past, we miss the greatness of our being and that we as great beings chose to come into this realm on behalf of life. We stay entrenched in the story of our past that holds such a small amount of who we are when we are so much more.

Think for a minute that what has been written here is true. We are great Beings who came here on behalf of life. We were captured and imprisoned by a reality here that comprised us, and separated us from what we truly are and what we truly came to be.






Is it possible the door of our prison is opening?

Is it possible that the truth is shining through? That the shackles are falling off?

Are we starting to hear our unity self on the other side of the prison wall?

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