Friday, October 30, 2009


I found myself watching the ABC news report of James Arthur Ray and the death and injury of 20 people in a sweat lodge in Sedona, AZ last night. Sixty people paid $9,650 to go to a five day training where they shaved their heads, dressed like hobos and went into the city to beg, and were part of a sweat lodge where they were urged not to leave no matter how they felt or what their bodies were telling them. I was reminded of doing the six day with what is now Landmark in the 70's. So I am not against challenging yourself to go past your physical limitations nor am I unfamiliar with the process although there was never this extreme. I remembered a young woman had a heart attack in one of the courses. The trainers never left her side in the hospital until she came out of her coma and they worked with her and the doctors as she got well. I met her years later. She was so transformed by the care she received. What has people still go to James Arthur Ray's work, when James left as bodies were being dragged out of the tent and people were being rushed to the hospital. What is the attraction?

I have a new appreciation of this work of Landmark I did for twenty-five years because they closed the 6 day and began to trust more thoroughly the power of the human mind and no longer thought that people needed to get to the power of their own being, their own mind through these somewhat demoralizing means. There is a difference between facing the truth to get past our limitations and destroying ourselves to get past them!

I woke up this morning in shock still from what I had seen. What is the Law of Attraction that had people come to this kind of training? What had them turn away from their own discernment, their bodies' natural defenses, and their inability it would seem to trust their own innate knowing? What had they turn themselves over so thoroughly to another human being? Is it true that the more something costs the more value we think it has? Is the search for wealth, relationship, purpose so strong within us that we would pay anything and even kill ourselves to achieve it? When people pay almost $10,000 for five days, why do they turn over their will and seemingly not be able to discern if they are getting what they need, if they are at risk, and if they are being cared for?

All that is on the surface. When I watched The Secret I was also horrified. My first thought was. "Where is God in this?" When did we start thinking our expression of ourselves was connected to wealth, relationship, money, job, career? How long has it been since we as human beings have remembered we are part of this amazing universe and that we are part of its expression-each one of us unique and essential whether we are wealthy or not, in relationship or not, or well or not? When I showed The Secret to a class of Irish, they said, "How American!" They were disgusted and disturbed by it.

Yet this is the bubbles on the surface world that is the Soul crying out, "Why am I here?", "What is mine to do?", "Who and what am I really, "What is real?" What was missing in The Secret, truly created by lovely committed people, was our direct link to creation and the awareness and knowledge of that connection and what is ours to do, be and have as that connection. So the question before us is, "What are we attracted to & why?"

Are we attracted firsti to peace of mind before we are driven to our attraction to wealth? Are we attracted to the joy of our own uniqueness and its one of a kind expression before we are attracted to the need for another? Are we attracted to the gift of being alive to live for the sake of life before we are attracted to the need for money? Are we attracted to being fully expressed in our every moment before we are attracted to need to identify ourselves through career?

What comes up for you when you read these questions? How far away have we gotten from our love of life, our love of ourselves, our love of being with one another, our love of our everyday? What happened that lets someone control us with the promise of wealth, relationship, career and purpose? Control us enough that we die.

We are on the edge of a new reality. I really mean that. We are on the edge of not having to suffer and sacrifice...not having to challenge our limitations thorough extreme means. This is part of the old paradigm of duality. The Warrior, The Fighter, The Challenger. The Extreme shows on TV! What is the attraction?

Interestingly enough! As the special on the death of the people in James Arthur Ray's training ended, I switched channels still reeling from how practitioners are exploiting the hearts and needs of the people. I switched to the Charlie Rose show where he was interviewing a Nobel Prize winner Earl Kandel in a series on the brain.

I wanted to weep. Actually let me rephrase that. I did weep. Earl spoke about we have been through a Newtonian era, a Darwinian era, a Freudian era, and now are moving into the era of the brain. As we enter and embrace this era, we will become aware of the primary place the brain carries in our knowing who we are and we will learn to tap this incredible intelligence that we live in every second of our life. Did you know that the brain changes every minute? It is always learning with everything you put in it? It is a information and experience gathering machine through which we perceive our existence and tap into our ability to create. He spoke about the discovery that the brain is everything. Our brains are our link to our minds, our creativity, our discernment, our choices, our bodies, etc. When we mature our brain, we mature ourselves.

I was shaken by what I heard. When I uncovered the templates we teach in Metapoints, it was not just a curiosity. I was frightened by comments I received after people did a consult with me. They would say things like, "You are really good. I am blown away." Or they would say, "That was phenomenal." It was what they didn't say that frightened me. They didn't say about themselves. "I am amazing!" "Look what I am capable of!" "I am me!" And at the same time, they had drunk of themselves and their capabilities and they did grow tremendously in the presence of themselves in an hour long consult. What struck me though was the incredible power I had over them in that moment. They would have followed me anywhere. There is never a day I don't keep in front of me - the awesome responsibility of turning people onto themselves. It creates an attraction that as a responsible practitioner, we MUST return that attraction back to the people so they are more and more attracted to themselves through their own innate intelligence and awareness.

So I began the journey of finding a way for people to do their own work with their own being and their own minds. The people must now discover how beautiful they are as a brilliant creation -their body, their mind, their soul. They much have their own self-trust. They much recognize and respond to their own instincts that have them leave when they know to leave and stay when they know to stay. They must embrace their own capacity to be present to their own creative ability where they do not place the creation of their life outside themselves. They must know they are safe and secure because they have the one thing they need more than anything else and need to be attracted to more than anything else-themselves. The ability to truly operate with a restored brain, a restored thinking that links us directly to the intelligence we were created from is and will be the greatest joy we can ever know. We live in our brains, we think with our minds 24/7. The brain/mind is our greatest resource. It translates instinct into, "Leave now!" The brain/mind presences creative thought that supports us winding our way out of one source of survival to another with no loss of self-expression. The brain/mind is where we hear the divine and the primal, the grace and the beauty of life. That temple in our heads is our access to everything. This is the new knowing.

I would pray that I get to contribute this to people. I would pray that this emerging era of unity with ourselves and all creation happens in my lifetime. More people want to write, to self-express, to love, to be happy, to create than ever before. We just can't use the ways of suffering to do that anymore. Anyway, why should we? We have the mind of creation that works through waves of energy that connect us with everything from what we want for breakfast to union with God. It really is true. I will be grateful when that truth can be heard.

Whoever reads this, please be discerning. Trust yourself first. Trust your teachers second. Make sure they care for not only your process but for your body and your soul. I am so grateful to be born during this time. I am also challenged. I know that if we could get the new knowledge of restoring our systems/our minds out into the world, 20 people would not have been injured and 3 people would not have died.,



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