“I have asked Cynthia, our incredible webmaster, to send an update on the Language of Creation Studies. We now can call them events! We are so past learning! We must now have direct experience! Now I can provide that at a level I only imagined until now!” Tantra
I want to thank the people in the San Rafael course. After the course I said, “We are waking so fast we need a pyramid to do the work in!!!” Little did I know!
This is part of the higher frequency realities that we are entering into. When our needs rise, our needs are met!
Now, during the Language of Creation Events, you will be in a newly designed environment within which your body, mind, and spirit can more easily integrate and expand into the full spectrum of your true being.
After the Events you will have:
♦ An increased sense of belonging to what is true to you
♦ An increased sense of connection to what is authentically you
♦ An increased capacity to comprehend your life and operate effectively with what is real for you.
You will leave the conditioning behind that left you in a story that is not yours and you will enter the beauty of your own innate world, your own direct connection with creation.
One of the dynamics essential to human beings at this time is to be in environments that allow our systems to relax, expand, and embody. Modern technology has FINALLY caught up with Tantra’s knowing. Now she can provide a powerful environment that awakens our original DNA memory and supports our cells and our minds in the higher frequencies. New realities are born there. HURRAH!
Beginning in the 2011 March Northern California retreats, an amazing sound system that creates a natural geometrical attunement to ‘what connects us to life and has us exist as whole’ will energetically establish an environment where we can grow and expand in an ‘original design of life’ zone. One of the first of its kind!!!
In addition, Tantra is collaborating with an amazing woman, Ashera Hart. Ashera in collaboration with top NLP coaches, hypnotherapists and other experts in their field are together creating sacred sound downloads working with the frequencies of the Zobet (solfeggio) to help you in your return to a natural state of being.
The frequencies of the Solfeggio are found in the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament and are based on the blueprint of Creation. They also correspond to measurements of the Earth and the ‘New Jerusalem’. The frequencies embody the Fibonacci sequences, the same Phi ratio present in your bones and the DNA in every cell of your body. They are key to remembering and to having you to embody the true nature of your being.
We are very excited about this delivery system that links you to your own field of resonance, allowing greater integration of the materials and experiences Tantra will be presenting.
Please go to www.metapoints.com for further information on the in person events.
The METApoints Staff